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1. Harvesting and Trimming Techniques

After harvesting your cannabis plants, you may believe you’ve accomplished the hard job. In reality, it’s only just begun! Trimming your marijuana plants is a vital step in the post-harvest process that involves clipping pieces of them away. Conversely, while it’s considered difficult, it is well worth the effort. You benefit from aesthetically beautiful cannabis that appears to have come directly from the dispensary. Trimming cannabis is also helpful during the curing phase. This detailed guide will teach you the basics of trimming cannabis in your growing environment for perfect, potent buds.


The Ideal Time to Harvest Your Cannabis

Timing is important when it comes to harvesting marijuana plants. The harvest window refers to the optimal moment when the plant’s trichomes are most potent. Indica plants are typically ready for harvest after eight weeks, but Sativa plants require 10 weeks. Autoflowers take 7-10 weeks from seedling to harvest. However, it would be best if you did not consider these recommendations as a guarantee. As a result, you have more options for determining the optimal harvest time.


Factors that affect when to harvest cannabis

  1. The growth stage of your plant: During the vegetative stage, the plant primarily works on developing its foundation structure. It generates healthy leaves and stems, where most of the natural growth occurs. As the plant enters the blooming stage, buds begin to develop. During this stage, the plant’s resin production also increases. The plant leaves will eventually turn yellow and curl as the perfect harvest time approaches.
  2. The trichome’s color and maturity: Cannabis flowers and leaves contain cells known as trichomes. What begins as little spheres gradually grows into mushroom-like stalks. These are the most essential factors in identifying when your plants are at their optimal maturity. The exact size and features of these cells will change according to strain. However, they reveal a vital tale about the plant in front of you. Because they are so tiny, they are best seen via the lens of a magnifying glass. Inspecting trichomes allows you to decide when to harvest marijuana plants more correctly.
  3. The color and maturity of pistils: Pistils are an essential component of cannabis buds. These thin hairs begin white and gradually turn a darker brownish-orange color as the plant grows. Furthermore, cannabis pistils play a crucial part in determining when it is time to harvest your weed plants.

Harvesting Cannabis: The Perfect Technique

Harvesting cannabis entails more than simply chopping down plants and clipping buds; you must also dry and cure the buds before smoking them. There are a few different ways to harvest marijuana, depending on whether you trim buds wet, directly off the plant, or dry, allowing them to dry first. To successfully harvest your cannabis, you need to know when to:

  • Flush your weed plants a week before harvesting
  • Determine when to harvest your cannabis based on trichome color.
  • Decide if you will use the wet or dry trimming method.
  • Prepare the harvesting tools.
  • Chop down your plants.
  • Dry and trim your plants.

Signs Indicating Your Cannabis is Ready for Harvest

Harvesting cannabis at the proper time gives the most potency and harvest weight. Many growers harvest too soon or too late, limiting the potential and value of their finished produce. Here are common indicators to tell if it is the ideal time to harvest your cannabis:

Trichome color

Trichomes should be the first thing you consider when you want to know if your cannabis is ready for harvest. As your cannabis buds mature, the trichome heads will become white and may even resemble plastic. White trichome heads might suggest significant levels of CBD and THC. As plants grow, the trichome color will change to a rich, amber, or golden tone.

  • Clear trichomes – If your plant’s trichomes seem clear, they are not ready for harvest. Clear trichomes indicate that your plants are undeveloped and can generate additional buds and trichomes. You will enjoy a brief energy high if you pick plants with clear trichomes.
  • Cloudy trichomes – For experts, this is the best time to harvest. If your trichomes seem milky or foggy, they are completely formed and most likely have the maximum THC potency. If you harvest now, you’ll get an intense and intoxicating high.
  • Amber or cloudy trichomes – If you prefer a more relaxed body high, harvest when you notice the trichomes become amber. This also indicates that the trichomes are overdeveloped and the THC potency has begun to drop.

Pistil color

Pistil color is the second most important indicator in assessing if your crop is ready to harvest. The secret is to wait just the right length of time for the pistils (reproductive organs of female cannabis plants) to change color. Most producers prefer female cannabis plants since they produce no seeds and larger buds. Pistils begin white and later turn red, brown, or orange as they age. The best time to harvest is when half of the pistils become brown. If there is still an abundance of white pistils, it’s too soon to harvest. It would help if you also kept in mind that a more significant percentage of already-changed pistils may indicate that the batch is more effective.

Beautiful looking buds

Here’s a better way to divide the pistil hair approach for harvesting cannabis plants:

  • When 40% of the pistils turn brown, the optimal harvesting window has started. The plant will be able to generate enough THC to provide an energy high, but it has not achieved its full potential.
  • When 50 to 60% of the pistils become brown, the plant is likely at its peak and can produce a lot of THC.
  • When you reach 80 to 90% brown pistil hairs, you’ve waited much too long. The THC has most likely converted into CBN, which will only cause a soothing effect, not a euphoric one.

Density and size of the buds

Although trichomes and pistils might play an important part during harvest season, there are additional indicators that you should pay attention to. One such indicator is the buds themselves. Though relying just on the qualities of the plant’s buds is insufficient, it can assist you in identifying when it is ready to harvest – the buds should become stiff and tight. Aside from the buds, you might evaluate other elements of the cannabis plant. When the best time to harvest arrives, the plant’s leaves will most likely curl and dry, changing from a vivid green to a dingy yellow. This is a natural occurrence since the plant absorbs less water at this stage in its life cycle.

Overall smell

Luckily, there are several ways to determine whether your cannabis is ready. Around three to five weeks before the optimal harvest period, your plants will begin to smell. This will occur throughout the blossoming stage and will have a unique odor.

Beginner’s Guide to Trimming Cannabis

Trimming your cannabis plants entails removing portions of them. When you remove particular portions in the appropriate amounts and at the right time, the plant becomes stronger. It is particularly crucial to detect and remove dead leaves – allowing dead and dying leaves to stay wastes the plant’s valuable resources. Conversely, removing the stems of dead leaves might save your cannabis plant weeks of labor. As a result, it may concentrate on the healthy leaves. Better yet, it may focus on growing new leaves (and eventually new buds).

Benefits of trimming cannabis

Whether you’re a professional or home producer, trimming cannabis is an important component of storing, packing, or smoking your buds. Trimming removes excess plant debris and moisture from your buds, which aids in the curing process. Trimmed buds offer a smoother experience since most of the extraneous plant debris, such as sugar and fan leaves, has been eliminated. Conversely, these sections containing traces of trichomes, are unpleasant to smoke. And trimming off the sugar and fan leaves provides the ideal smooth sensation. The decreased plant debris also improves the appearance of the buds since they are all consistent in size and shape. The buds now appear tighter, which is what many cannabis enthusiasts look for when looking for a credible dispensary. In addition, trimming cannabis improves storage because you won’t have to worry about your buds growing moldy due to the high moisture content of the leaves.

When to begin trimming cannabis

Understanding when you can start trimming buds is a critical element of learning how to do so. It is not suggested that you extensively cut your weed plants immediately before they blossom. Heavy cutting too early may cause your cannabis plants to delay, or worse, totally stop blooming. Trim your cannabis buds during the last two weeks of their blooming cycle. Even so, you must be extremely precise. Only remove fan leaves from your cannabis plants since they have the potential to overcrowd and shadow the bud sites.

Additionally, you may flush your cannabis plants before you begin trimming them because flushing and trimming work well together. Flushing is a technique for improving the quality of your buds by pushing the roots of your cannabis plants to absorb and consume any remaining nutrients in the soil, resulting in smoother and more tasty buds. Like cannabis trimming, most experts advocate flushing in the last two weeks of the flowering period.

How to trim cannabis

First, remove the huge fan leaves from the branches of your marijuana plants. To minimize shading and overcrowding of buds, do this sparingly throughout the last two weeks of flowering. After harvest, cut the fan leaves by hand or using a weed trimming machine. The second step is to remove the buds off the branches with scissors or shears. To prevent mold contamination of your buds after storage, use sterile and clean cutting equipment.

Finally, with a clean tray and container nearby, begin trimming the exposed bottom stems of your buds and any branches that emerge. After that, gently remove the sugar leaves that poke out of the buds, ensuring that you remove only those with less resin than the others. You only want to remove part of the sugar leaves since they also contain THC. Furthermore, they hold the buds together; thus, removing all of them may result in lower-grade buds that appear loose and airy.

Advanced Trimming Techniques for Maximum Yield

Here are the five most popular trimming training techniques that can be used for maximum yield.


Topping is often utilized by marijuana producers. As the name implies, it entails pruning the top of the plant as it grows. Topping allows you to have more control over the growth of your plants while also saving space. By cutting off the top of the plant while it is still developing (vegetative phase), the energy and growth that would otherwise go to the top of the plant is sent to the side branches. The outcome of topping is larger and better buds.


Defoliation is the selective removal of cannabis leaves from your plants. The goal is to optimize light penetration and air circulation, resulting in healthier growth and increased yields. It can also assist in eradicating diseased or damaged leaves, which impede plant growth. With proper defoliation, you may encourage healthier growth and bigger, more plentiful buds. Defoliation must be done at the appropriate time and with a restricted number of leaves removed to minimize plant stress and reduced output. Always use sterile and sharp instruments to minimize damage and the risk of infection.


Another common trimming method is known as “lollipopping.” This is when a cultivator removes the bottom branches of their cannabis plants. The method gets its name from the ultimate result: your plant will seem like a lollipop, with all of the branches, leaves, and buds at the top and a relatively empty stalk. Trimming lower branches, like topping, helps the plant to direct its energy on the upper branches, which receive the most light and generate the most incredible buds.


Fimming is an unintentionally found variation of the topping method, thus its name. Simply eliminate 75% of the terminal bud or tip of the main stem, and you’re done. As with topping, the grower can use scissors or their fingers. Most growers prefer to pinch while fimming since a clean cut is not the primary goal. The delightful, yield-boosting result of fimming is four or more new main shoots, as opposed to two from a clean topping.

Super cropping

Super cropping is becoming increasingly popular among cannabis farmers. It consists of softly breaking the inner fibers of the significant branch terminals without totally cutting them. You must be very careful not to injure the outside tissue since this may weaken the plant. A severe crack caused by excessive bending may result in the loss of the treated region, so use caution and patience. This strategy aims to limit the vertical growth of the top tips by forcing them to grow horizontally (once bent, they must be tied down) while increasing the vertical growth of the bottom branches. If done correctly, super cropping will result in consistent bud distribution and, consequently, much higher yields.

Benefits of Hand Trimming: Quality Over Quantity

Hand trimming cannabis plants is the conventional way to remove leaves and other undesirable plant debris from your buds. It is a time-tested technique that routinely produces outstanding results, although at a slow pace. However, if you have devoted trimmers, time, and patience, hand trimming will provide the greatest results. The most significant advantage of hand trimming is the end product’s quality and attractiveness. Each individual bud receives a special trim that highlights its best features. Hand trimming is more exact than machine trimming, allowing you to get the most out of each bud. In addition, hand-trimming weed buds with sharp shears will result in fewer trichomes lost than processing by machine and a more aesthetically attractive appearance.

Hand trimming cannabis requires some essential tools, such as:

  • A pruning lopper used to assist in cutting large branches or chop the thick plant stalk.
  • A trimming tray used to collect trimmings and kief during the procedure.
  • A drying rack used to dry bud after wet or dry trimming techniques.
  • A pair of pruning shears used for the actual act of trimming your cannabis bud.
  • A dehumidifier used to better control the growing environment of your drying room.

Hand vs. machine trimming

Machine trimming cannabis checks several ‘convenience’ boxes and is a viable option for commercial producers. When you utilize these tools, the bloom will look nearly identical from strain to strain. As a result, you end up with a visually appealing bud. However, machine cutting does not provide the optimum flavor or potency. However, today’s machines cut too much bud material. This has trichomes, the crystalline structures that cover the buds and contribute to the marijuana’s scent and aroma.

Every weed plant generates buds with varying structures, shapes, and sizes. Unfortunately, trimming machines are unaware of these distinctions and cannot identify buds crystallized in resin. Worst of all, you can’t modify the tool to accommodate different forms. As a result, you are sure to lose trichomes and potency. The cost of renting or buying machines is likewise considerable. Include the well-known maintenance difficulties, and you have a trimming approach that is considered a bit hard to perform.

The Art of Dry Trimming and Wet Trimming

There are two instances when you can manicure your cannabis.

Trimming buds
Trimming buds with your hands is the most obvious method, maybe even the most precise, but it is pretty time-consuming, not to mention uncomfortable.

The most evident period is during harvest (wet trimming) while the plant is still on the vine. The second stage starts 4-10 days following harvest (dry trimming). During drying trimming, the cannabis plants have lost a significant proportion of their moisture.

Wet Trimming Weed

Wet trimming is the practice of cutting your cannabis buds as soon as you cut your plant down. It is often done to make removing the sugar leaves simpler while keeping your blooms intact. It also results in tighter buds that appear better than dry-trimmed buds. Wet trimming has the extra benefit of making the drying process easier and faster since the decreased plant material contains less moisture. It’s also safer because it reduces the possibility of mold formation for your buds throughout the drying process.

Benefits of wet trimming cannabis

  • The removal of fan and sugar leaves simplifies the trimming procedure.
  • The procedure removes a large portion of the plant after harvest, making it appropriate for a tiny drying chamber.
  • The cannabis buds dry faster afterward, lowering the chance of mold growth.
  • You benefit from a better-looking product.
  • Increased possibility of keeping a high trichome concentration.

When to consider wet trimming cannabis:

  • You have a large number of weed buds drying in a tight space.
  • The grow room has an RH (relative humidity) level of 60% or higher.
  • You’re concerned about mold infestation.
  • Your objective is to dry the buds quickly.

Dry Trimming Weed

Dry trimming provides a more effortless trimming procedure. For this technique, let your cut cannabis plants dry for a few days. As a result, your plants’ trichomes harden, making it much easier to cut the branches and remove leaves from the buds. However, since your buds have already dried, they’re fragile and are prone to splitting apart. If you want to keep your buds’ THC and trichomes intact, you’ll need steady hands when manicuring them.

Benefits of drying trimming

  • By keeping the leaves on, you boost the humidity around the cannabis buds. If you live in an arid area, it may prevent the quick loss of valuable terpenes.
  • You may save the sugar leaves to make cannabis treats.
  • Since there is no sticky residue, it is a cleaner operation than wet trimming.

When to consider dry trimming cannabis:

  • The relative humidity (RH) of your grow room is 45% or lower.
  • When mold isn’t an issue.
  • You prefer to dry your buds gradually to prevent the intense aroma that comes from rapid drying.
  • You want dense cannabis buds.
  • You’re less concerned about beautifully, colorful buds.

Tips to Improve the Efficiency of Your Trimming Process

Here are some helpful tips to enhance the efficiency of your cannabis-trimming process:

  1. Trim in stages: If you want to experiment with a few trimming procedures, you can definitely combine various techniques to maximize production. Just don’t do too much at once. Trim your plants once a week and attentively observe how they behave. Trimming the lower branches and fan leaves is a smart place to start, and that may be all you need to do.
  2. Use the right trimming tools: If you prefer cutting instruments such as trimming scissors or a scalpel, be sure they are comfortable to grip and completely sterile. It is also okay to pinch tops with your fingers. But you should still wash your hands beforehand. Fingers work best for fimming and lollipopping. Topping, defoliating, and pruning branches are best done with clean scissors. In addition, scalpels are typically used for making cuttings.
  3. Don’t be scared to trim during the flowering phase: Contrary to popular belief, blooming cannabis plants can be trimmed. First, you must wait until week 3 or 4 of bloom before lollipopping. Monster cropping necessitates cutting clones from plants at the same stage of flowering. Defoliation can be a continuing procedure, with some farmers cutting leaves every 3-4 days. Pests and disease can strike at any growth stage, and trimming is frequently necessary to remove dead or dying leaves and branches. So, disregard the doubters. Be daring, be a winner, and trim as needed during the flowering phase.
  4. Practice makes perfect (repetition):  Trimming marijuana plants is a skill that requires time and experience to perfect. Trimming from the bottom up is the ideal way to start, at least until you get some growth and trimming expertise. If you don’t get great results the first time you use a trimming technique, do not give up. Remember that every experienced producer was once a complete novice who had no idea what they were doing.

Mistakes to Avoid in Cannabis Harvesting and Trimming

Some cannabis producers can make errors during harvesting and trimming processes. These errors that can be made include:

  1. Harvesting too early: This results in a unique psychoactive experience. If you’re a trichome farmer who focuses on creating resin glands for dry sift, bubble hash, kief, or concentrates, harvesting too early depletes your resin gland crop. It is recommended that you feed your plants in the late bloom period to improve bud development and overall vitality.
  2. Harvesting too late: If a grower does not pay attention to the color of resin glands and structural integrity, or if they wait for the breeder’s recommended bloom-phase length, the crop may become overripe. As the resin glands degenerate, a portion is lost due to deterioration and desiccation. Furthermore, the plant’s ratios and percentages of cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids fluctuate as the crop overripe.
  3. Over-trimming: Trimming cannabis plants properly will allow them to achieve their maximum potential, resulting in higher quality and yields. However, wrong or excessive trimming might cause harm to a cannabis plant. In rare circumstances, poor trimming might cause a cannabis plant to die.
  4. Unsanitary harvesting and trimming tools: A lack of sanitary measures and cleanliness can spread pests and illnesses from one plant to another, resulting in an epidemic that harms the drying crop, which still has enough moisture to nourish insects, molds or fungus. When harvesting many plants, periodically dip your pruners and trimming scissors in alcohol to sanitize them as you go.
  5. Poor monitoring of resin glands: Cannabis resin glands create and store the majority of cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids, while some resins can be found in the gland stalk and bud leaf material. When resin glands are in full bloom, stalks are firm and erect, and glands are spherical and transparent. As the peak bloom period progresses, resin glands become hazy or amber to variable degrees, depending on strain genetics. Conversely, as flowering ends and harvest time approaches, resin glands begin to slip off the stalks, and some stalks bend and drop.

Essential Tools for Cannabis Harvesting and Trimming

Harvesting and trimming weed requires a few specialty tools; some are necessary, and some only make things simpler. Properly cleaned and maintained these tools can help prevent disease transmission and ensure a clean, high-quality product. Also, getting these tools ready before harvest will save you time.

Checking buds before harvest
Buds being checked prior to harvest.
  1. Trimmers – Having a decent set of portable trimmers would simplify the time-consuming trimming operation. Most growers prefer Fiskars trimmers featuring nonstick blades, which will save your hands from cramping up during “trim jail.”
  2. Pruning Snips – These are tiny, portable instruments used for precisely clipping smaller branches and stems. They are very beneficial for thorough work in the manicuring process. Furthermore, look for pruning snips with sharp blades and a spring-loaded mechanism to make quick and easy cuts.
  3. Harvesting gloves – a quality pair of nitrile or non-latex gloves is usually recommended. This protects your skin’s oils from contaminating the buds and stops your hands from becoming sticky. Gloves will help keep strong scents off your hands long after trimming.
  4. Trim trays – while not entirely necessary, experts strongly advise getting a decent trim tray. They offer support and comfort when cutting and capturing extra kief and sugar leaves through a mesh screen.
  5. Drying rack – coat hangers suspended along the roof of your tent or grow room are typically used as a low-cost drying rack. You may get basic drying racks that function like hanging baskets with different levels — these can carry enough buds to cover a few plants — but you may also find larger ones, depending on your requirements.
  6. Cleaning supplies – keeping your harvesting equipment clean is critical for hygiene and limiting the spread of pollutants. Stock up on cleaning materials like alcohol wipes or cleaning solutions made exclusively for cannabis production equipment.
  7. Pocket microscopes – you’ll need a pocket microscope or a powerful jeweler’s loupe to see the trichomes up close. The pocket microscope is also lightweight and portable, making it simple to use and ideal for inspecting plants for pests!
  8. Comfortable clothing – a silk apron is an excellent addition to any trimming adventure. It protects your clothes and prevents the resin from sticking to them.
  9. Storage containers – proper storage of harvested cannabis is critical for preserving its freshness and potency. Purchase airtight storage containers made of glass or food-grade plastic to keep your buds safe from light, moisture, and air. This helps to retain the taste, fragrance, and cannabinoid contents.
  10. Labeling materials – correct labeling is essential for organizing and monitoring harvested cannabis. Use waterproof tags or markers to clearly identify your storage containers with strain names, harvest dates, and other important information.
  11. Comfortable chair and area – give yourself plenty of room and a comfortable setting so you can relax for a long trim. Choose a cool, well-lit location, and avoid areas with excessive dust, hair, or particles that might contaminate the cannabis. The longer you sit, the more work you can complete, so pick a comfortable chair. Avoid anything that causes you to hunch over or compress your lower back.

Post-Harvest Cannabis Care: Curing for Potency

Cannabis drying and curing can affect the levels of THC and CBD in your buds, as well as the flavor and quality of smoke or vapor. There are two extremely critical stages that require patience. Don’t end up with marijuana buds that have little potency, no flavor, or a harsh smoke. Mold is the most crucial reason to thoroughly dry and cure your buds. Failure to wait for the correct drying and curing period may result in headaches, and even serious sickness from mold inhalation.

Drying cannabis

Drying cannabis reduces the moisture content of the plants to make them ready for usage or further processing. The weed drying period ranges from 5 to 14 days. However, several factors influence the cannabis drying process. Large, thick buds take longer to dry than smaller ones. The way you cut the plants can also extend the process since thicker stems retain water and take longer to dry out than shorter branches or individual nugs. Proper temperature, humidity, and ventilation in the drying environment all influence the process; therefore, maintaining them at ideal levels is critical.

Drying buds - huge branches

The basic steps for drying cannabis are:

  1. Cutting the plants at their base and hanging them upside down in a room or space with a fan.
  2. The temperature is kept around 16–21 °C, and the humidity is about 50%.
  3. Drying the plants until the stems snap instead of bending, which may take around two weeks.

Curing cannabis

When the buds have dried and been trimmed, the first quantity of moisture has been removed, and it is time to cure your cannabis. To prevent moisture loss and retain tastes and aromas, completed buds should be stored in sealed glass jars while curing. Cannabis curing typically takes two weeks to a month, and the humidity within curing vessels should be between 55 and 65%. A thorough cure also enables you to preserve cannabis for an extended time without fear of mold, cannabinoid, or terpene deterioration.

Cannabis curing jar

Well-cured flowers can be stored in an airtight container in a cold, dark area for up to two years with no loss of strength. Curing cannabis helps finish off buds, enhancing their flavor and scent. During curing, chlorophyll continues to degrade, eliminating the vegetal taste. The removal of chlorophyll makes the buds less bitter and smoother to smoke. Here are a few typical methods of curing cannabis:

  1. Water curing method: This alternative to standard curing shortens the waiting period while also cleaning the plant.
  2. Freeze drying method: Freeze the buds to eliminate excess moisture. This approach successfully maintains terpenes and cannabinoids.
  3. Heat dehydration cure method: Use low heat to dehydrate buds gradually. This approach maintains terpenes and cannabinoids.
  4. Sweat cure method: Place your cannabis buds in airtight containers to allow them to sweat. This encourages enzymatic reactions and enhances flavor.
  5. Jar Curing cannabis: Probably the simplest and easiest curing methid.

Understanding the Science Behind Cannabis Yield

Cannabis yield is the quantity of dried buds that can be harvested from a cannabis plant or a given area. Cannabis yield is a crucial factor for growers aiming to maximize their harvest. While the strain of cannabis plays a significant role, there are several other vital factors to consider, including:

  • Genetics: Genetics is central to breeding and critical to a cultivar’s profiles and yielding capacity. Marijuana breeders create new strains to achieve specific goals, such as cultivating Indica strains rich in THC.
  • Plant care: Practices like plant training, sufficient lighting, trimming and pruning your cannabis plants, and paying attention to pH and nutrient levels can boost high yields.
  • Growing conditions: Factors like strain type, grow area size, climate, and growth duration affect the yield. For instance, growing cannabis on a large piece of land lets them enjoy optimal light penetration, which is better positioned for photosynthesis. Understanding the climatic conditions suitable for Indica and Sativa strains is also vital.

Harvesting and Trimming: Best Practices for Indoor and Outdoor Plants

The environment in which your marijuana plants are cultivated can significantly impact the harvesting and trimming process.

Harvesting indoor cannabis

When growing marijuana inside, you have complete control over how much you harvest. The sky — or your grow room — is the limit. Weed can take 3-8 months to develop from seed to harvest, allowing for up to four harvests of smaller cannabis plants or one or two harvests of larger plants every year. More harvests mean more fresh, homegrown cannabis to enjoy, but it will also require more effort to tidy up the space between harvests or trim. You can even harvest more than four times each year if you begin with clones or autoflower seeds, both of which shorten the growth cycle by a few weeks.

Harvesting outdoor cannabis

Cannabis grows outdoors in most regions, with seeds or clones planted in the spring and harvested in the fall. Because of the environment, certain tropical places can produce a second crop every year. Here are two main ways to maximize your outdoor harvest:

  • Autoflowers: If you plant autoflower seeds, you may set up your outdoor weed grow to produce numerous harvests every year. Autoflower weed plants have a shortened life cycle — they “automatically flower” when they reach a particular age rather than starting the flowering stage when sunlight begins to fade in the sky outside. As a result, you may start growing autoflower strains early in the season, about March or April, harvest in June or July, and then begin developing a second batch for harvesting in the fall. You can harvest autoflowers numerous times, but bear in mind that your plants will be smaller because they are autoflowering.
  • Light: Light deprivation, or light deps, is another method for getting numerous outdoor harvests in a year. A tarp is positioned over a greenhouse to block the amount of light that outside weed plants receive, allowing you to manage the blooming cycle of the plants. Like autoflowers, this will enable you to harvest numerous times outside in a single season.
Picture of Urban Remo

Urban Remo

Remo “Urban Remo” Colasanti is world-renowned for his growing skills, and over the past two decades he has helped thousands of people learn how to achieve their garden’s maximum growth potential. He has created a complete system of vitamins, minerals, and extracts – everything your plants need and nothing they don’t. As well as offering Remo Nutrients, Urban Remo also has a whole lot of knowledge in his head that can definitely benefit growers of all levels. Get the chance to learn from the legend himself in the articles below.

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