Cannabis tops that are firm and compact result in a substantial yield. With a polytunnel, ideally, one that can be heated, you may explore new avenues for cannabis cultivation. Various types of closets are utilized for this purpose; generally, planting occurs in a dark atmosphere because the seeds do not require light at first. To help you get on your way, Premium Cultivars has provided you with some primary tips on cultivating cannabis in a polytunnel.
An overview of cultivating cannabis plants in a polytunnel
If you want to start growing your cannabis, or if you want to broaden your variety and extend the growing season, a polytunnel is a good option. A polytunnel can improve the number of plants cultivated effectively in the environment and allow you to grow cannabis all year, even in the far north. A polytunnel may provide some protection against the fluctuations of adverse weather and can also assist in minimizing pest issues if properly planned and used.
A polytunnel is not a poor man’s greenhouse; it is a tool that enables you to grow things more effectively than you ever imagined possible. Consider a polytunnel, a huge cloche, and you’ll get an idea of what you can plant in one.
Importance of growing cannabis in a polytunnel
It is critical that the light be ideal for the seedlings to grow significantly. As a result, you must guarantee that as much light as possible may enter the polytunnel. Pick a good frame that is as light as possible, with as much glass as possible. Of course, the overall structure must be sufficiently sturdy and stable. Steel and aluminum frames are ideal, although they are more expensive than wood frames.
Factors to consider when cultivating cannabis in a polytunnel
If you are considering a polytunnel, there are various factors to consider. First and foremost, is a polytunnel appropriate for your garden? If your garden is mostly shaded during the day, you will struggle to grow many plants effectively there, tunnel or no tunnel. An excellent location for a polytunnel receives as much sunlight as possible. It is advisable to build your tunnel on a flat surface.
If you reside in an area with more clouds than sunlight, consider investing in autoflowering seeds. Rather than relying on sunlight to initiate blooming, they will bloom at a predetermined time. Many northerners start their seeds indoors under grow lights in April and move them to a polytunnel in May. Your climate and growing season will determine your schedule.
To guarantee consistent, robust growth throughout the season, make sure to provide your cannabis plants with proper amounts of water and nutrients. A drip irrigation system may provide these necessities dependably and cost-effectively. Plants typically begin to bloom around the summer solstice, the year’s longest day. Flowering will last two to three months before they are suitable for harvest.
The ideal layout for your polytunnel
The layout of your polytunnel will be determined by its size. With a polytunnel 8ft wide, one path down the center is your only option. Still, with anything 10ft wide or wider, consider a two-path layout, with a central bed and one bed down each side, maximizing usable growing space without making it challenging to reach the back of beds. These can be raised beds or planted directly into the soil.
Consider optimizing space via vertical growth, layered gardening, and planting in succession over time when deciding what to plant where. Remember to plan where everything will be produced and follow a rotation to minimize pests and preserve soil fertility.
The differences between polytunnel and greenhouse
Polytunnels and greenhouses are structures utilized to cultivate crops that require more heat than outside. Both are intended to trap and retain heat differently, and each has advantages and problems. Greenhouses use glass or polycarbonate plastic panels set in a metal frame to concentrate sunlight. They can be any shape or size, but the most common are little structures. The glass is usually clear, although it can be opaque as well.
Additionally, polytunnels are made from a transparent, opaque, or green plastic sheet stretched over a series of metal arches. Polytunnels are typically shaped like tunnels, as the name indicates. However, there is considerable variation in shape; they can also be shaped like domes or tents.
Which one is better at dealing with the elements?
Greenhouses manage the elements better in most circumstances, although it depends on the factors you’re talking about. Storms can blow a polytunnel’s cover off, but only in extreme cases can they harm greenhouses. Greenhouses are also excellent at keeping pests at bay. Pests, particularly birds, can cause damage to polytunnels.
However, the glass panes in greenhouses can occasionally focus sunlight too strongly, resulting in sunburned or scorched plants. Furthermore, while a fire in the garden is never a good thing, the general construction of a greenhouse will usually survive a fire, but a polytunnel is less likely to.
Which is simpler to build and maintain?
Without question, polytunnels are significantly easier to construct. Greenhouses require a level, firm surface as a base, which entails flattening and compacting the soil or laying pavement or stone slabs in your yard. Polytunnels do not require this and may be built up in almost any place. The use of glass or polycarbonate panels and a stronger structure makes greenhouse construction time-consuming. Many greenhouses require expert installation; however, anybody may put up and maintain polytunnels.
Due to the variations in design, polytunnels may be relocated relatively easily, but greenhouses are a much more permanent installation. Polytunnels are also easy to extend after the initial build. However, greenhouses are significantly more difficult to extend or modify once built. Both require little upkeep: keep the outside clean and inspect for damage regularly. Since the ceiling and walls are merely thin sheets of plastic, polytunnels are more prone to damage.

Additionally, greenhouses with thicker walls composed of glass or polycarbonate are more resistant to harm. However, polytunnels are also easy to repair because you may replace the sheet at home. Repairing greenhouses after the damage is more complex and expensive since repairs sometimes include replacing one or more panes of glass or polycarbonate.
Growing cannabis in a polytunnel on a balcony
Growing cannabis on a balcony is becoming increasingly popular, and with a grow cabinet, it is an ideal setting. You may buy more and more types of grow boxes to cultivate cannabis outside. Some additional models include built-in heating. The option begins with a simple plastic container over which you can place a clear plastic cover. Other variants with Jiffy discs expand after being wet, allowing you to place a cannabis plant within.
Common tips for growing cannabis in a polytunnel
Here are effective tips to consider when cultivating your cannabis plants in a polytunnel:
Clean the polytunnel at the beginning of the season
Clean the glass and remove any garden trash from the polytunnel. The most successful gardeners can typically generate a year’s supply of cannabis from an average family polytunnel; keep them clean, and the cannabis plants will thrive. Make sure that the polytunnel receives as much sunshine as possible.
Optimize the soil
This might imply replacing all of the soil with high-quality compost from your local garden center. Alternatively, you may only need to add manure, organic fertilizers, bat guano, etc. Some individuals in arid places add water-absorbing crystals to the soil to help it to keep more water than usual.
Many garden centers provide ‘Soil testing kits,’ which allow you to detect soil quality ,pH, and other factors and prescribe soil improvers. The most successful greenhouse cannabis farmers understand that spending a little time optimizing the soil conditions will result in amazing cannabis plants with huge harvests of potent buds.
Take advantage of autoflowering cannabis seeds
Many expert polytunnel cannabis farmers employ fast-growing auto types to generate multiple crops each year in their structures. If you do this, keep in mind that cold weather slows the growth of autoflowering cannabis cultivars. If you experience chilly nights, the plants may take an extra 2-3 weeks to complete.
To get a mid-summer harvest, some greenhouse farmers choose to employ automated cannabis cultivars with standard photoperiod kinds. Most photoperiod cannabis strains are ready to harvest in the northern hemisphere around October and in the southern hemisphere around April.
Make it difficult for your neighbors to detect the cannabis
You may accomplish this with garden fencing, garden netting, or strategically placed garden plants. Some individuals like to ‘white wash’ the greenhouse with white paint designed to keep greenhouses cool in the summer.
This is painted on the polytunnel’s interior at the season’s beginning. In addition to protecting plants from the most extreme summer heat, it also makes the inside of your structure completely private.
Millions of cannabis plants are produced in a polytunnel, and it’s simple to understand why. It’s easy to cultivate your own medicinal or recreational cannabis; you don’t need any skill, you can grow 100% organically, and the cannabis you produce is typically considered superior to what you can buy on the street.