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1. Slugs and Snails on Cannabis Plants

Snail damage to plants can cause no end of problems for growers. Slugs and snails are some of the most destructive bugs on cannabis a grower can find in their garden.

How to identify slugs and snails on cannabis plants

Slugs and snails are less frequent but less destructive to outdoor crops. Slow-moving, fast-eating critters armed with antennae are all that separate these slimy arachnids. The snail’s distinctive shell, which serves as both a protective covering and a means of transport, distinguishes them visually.

Do snails eat leaves? You can tell whether your yard is infested with snail bites by just looking at them. Even if you don’t see the invaders themselves, there are telltale signs of snail damage to plants that may indicate that they have already arrived. Slime trails are one telltale indicator that a slug or snail has acquired a taste for your prized crop.

These paths, which flow over leaves, patios, and grass, resemble nothing so much as slime. They sparkle in the sunlight, and you can’t miss them. You may be able to catch a few of them before they do any significant harm. A slug eating leaves can do much more damage to plants than you think.

You can know mollusks are trying to cut your cannabis by the visible snail damage to plants they leave behind while going on a feeding frenzy. Due to the shape of their mouths, snails make uneven holes when feeding, producing scalloped edges around the holes they create. As damage develops, the edges may level out. Slugs and snails will infest every single one of your cannabis plants.

What causes slugs and snails on cannabis?

The outdoor cannabis plant has to contend with several threats during its lifespan, which is very frustrating for the plant’s caretakers. But one bug may cause a grower to feel disgusted and thirst for revenge when they uncover the slimy trail of their plants’ leaves and buds being left behind by it. Snail damage on leaves can significantly affect your yield, so the sooner you deal with it, the better.

They are more active in the autumn because the ground is more gastropod-friendly after new rain (or irrigation). These creatures will take their time since they are not known for their speed. Their tiny mouths can’t wreak havoc in a single session, but they will return, and because they will devour foliage at an exponential rate, they pose a severe threat.

How to get rid of slugs and snails on cannabis?

Go hunting

Before you go hunting, you need to ask yourself, “do snails hurt plants?” yes, they do, and they are best found in the late evening and early morning hours. Take a flashlight and scour your garden for any signs of these animals. Verify the ground under the leaves, the plant pots, the garden furniture, the thick grass, and the tree trunks for any signs of pests. Find the problems and remove them far away from your valuable crops. Consider going for a walk in a local forest or natural area if you have the time.

Additionally, you can draw slugs and snails into a smaller area of hiding spots for them around the garden. For this, you may use anything from broken plant pots to blocks with holes in them.

Attract predators like slugs and snails

It’s far simpler to get rid of slugs and snails eating bud by enlisting the help of nature’s predators than going out and hunting for them. Your search for them isn’t as urgent as theirs since they need to consume them to exist. Newts, toads, various bird species, and hedgehogs are among the creatures that find slugs and snails to be a tasty treat.

Besides snails eating leaf, these bugs will leave your prized cannabis patch alone so it may continue to flourish without interference. Creating a pond in your yard is a terrific way to ensure these creatures will stop by. Some of the previously described animals will use this water supply and may come to rely on it or utilize it as a refuge.

Set a trap

You can use slug home nebula in the same manner that the feds use sting operations to bring criminals to them, just as the feds do. Slugs and snails believe they’ve found a secure home by strategically laying old carpet or cardboard near the plants (give it a thorough soak with water to make it even more enticing). Remove them from the source every several days.

Set up nematode systems

Natural microorganisms, such as nematodes, are already present in the soil. These parasites feed on slugs and eventually kill the affected animals. When compared to chemical methods, the employment of nematodes is much superior. Nematodes are roundworms that do not carry poisons and are thus safe for humans and other warm-blooded animals to consume. Gardeners with pets will be happy to hear this news!

Create barriers

You can utilize minerals that absorb moisture and repelling gels to protect plants by creating barriers around them. Slugs and snails get a painful electric shock if they come into touch with copper tape and rings, which you can use to create a perimeter around your home or garden.

Dealing with slugs and snails outdoors 

This concern is genuine, but what can be done to safeguard one’s crop and maximize production in the face of such a threat? Before embarking on a murderous rampage, it’s vital to take a big breath and become honest about the issue. Getting rid of all traces of slug plant damage from your yard is almost difficult. These organisms are an essential part of the ecology, after all. However, the population of cannabis plants may be reduced by several methods, reducing the likelihood of damaging your cannabis plants, which might diminish their growth and health.

Organic gardeners may decide to use non-chemical alternatives to combat snail damage to plants, which may have a lower environmental impact and a lower impact on crop health.

Stop slugs and snails before they become a problem

Slugs and snails are easy to get rid of from cannabis plants. Still, the extent of the infestation is seldom severe enough to harm the plants beyond repair, so it’s essential to assess the severity of the infestation before taking action. Slugs and snails, in particular, are most easily seen at night and early in the morning, so be sure to keep an eye out for them at those times.

Picture of Ed Rushford

Ed Rushford

Ed Rushford’s impact on cannabis growing is undeniable. Though he tends to focus primarily on 2 areas, plant training techniques and dealing with disease, pests, and other problems, he has offered many insights into how cannabis plants live and grow. That’s not to say that Ed is unfamiliar with the complete life cycle of cannabis, from seed to harvest, but he uses his widespread knowledge to hone in on the minutia and niche areas of growing cannabis. Ed’s goal is to spread knowledge and allow for everyone to become better growers. 𝕏

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