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1. Blackstrap Molasses For Growing Cannabis

Have you heard of cannabis producers using molasses to increase the size of their buds? Because of the low cost and convenience, molasses or other sugars are commonly used in cannabis cultivation. Farmers use molasses to aid the growth of a variety of crops. Increased carbon dioxide for plant consumption, avoidance of salt accumulation and nutrient lockout, a decrease of insects, and ultimately 10-20% larger cannabis buds are just a few of the plant-specific benefits of utilizing molasses to cultivate cannabis.

Overview of molasses

Molasses is a dark, sweet, and syrupy material made from sugars derived from sources such as beets and sugarcane. During sugar manufacturing, these components are boiled down to become a thick, viscous substance. Molasses remains after the sugar crystals have been removed from the final product. Molasses is a crucial component in many organic cannabis farmers’ arsenals. This delicious, sticky fluid adds a lot of carbohydrates and nutrients to the growth medium, benefiting both the plants and the beneficial soil bacteria.

Additionally, what role does sugar play in cannabis? Sugar is essential for the healthy and vigorous development of cannabis plants. Sugar is involved in energy metabolism and serves as a form of chemical messenger aiding in the promotion of health throughout the cannabis life cycle. Cannabis produces and distributes sugars naturally, but it benefits from outside help in different methods and supplements.

Advantages of using molasses on your cannabis

Used as an organic insecticide

Molasses are used as an organic pesticide as well. Insect bodies cannot digest sugar and die if they consume it.

Soil microorganisms are supplied

Molasses enriches the soil and improves the growth environment, allowing your cannabis plants to produce larger buds. Sugar is broken down into carbohydrates in the soil, which feed beneficial bacteria. The soil bacteria then make CO2, which your plants utilize to flourish.

Lowers the risk of nutrient lockout

The use of artificial fertilizer causes salt buildup in your soil. If this isn’t addressed, the soil pH is thrown off, resulting in nutrient lockout in your cannabis plants.

What nutrients are present in molasses

This sticky syrup includes a variety of nutrients promoting plant growth and soil health, such as:

  1. Carbohydrates – these simple sugars provide helpful soil bacteria with a source of energy. When bacteria and fungus in the rhizosphere are fed, they grow and assist plants in absorbing nutrients.
  2. Calcium – is a critical mineral in plant physiology, contributing to tissue development and cell wall structural integrity.
  3. Magnesium – forms the chlorophyll molecule’s core in crop tissue, meaning shortage causes a lack of chlorophyll and stunted growth.
  4. Iron – is a vital plant micronutrient helping with metabolic activities, including DNA synthesis, respiration, and photosynthesis.
  5. Selenium – aids in reducing plant stress and the activation of crucial antioxidants and enzymes.
  6. Copper – aids in the production of energy and respiration in plants and the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins.

How to use molasses on your cannabis plants

Using molasses in soil

Molasses is a quick and straightforward way to improve your soil. It is also added to your growth media in two ways: either wet or dry.

Watering your cannabis with molasses

To water your plants with molasses, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a watering can halfway with warm water.
  2. 4–5ml molasses per liter of water, adequately stirred
  3. Put 1–2 times per week during the vegetative period to maintain this concentration.
  4. Keep a watch out for indications of nutrient burn and reduce your feeding accordingly if you notice them.
  5. To fulfill the increased requirement for potassium during the flowering stage, increase the dosage to 8–10ml.

Dry molasses for soil improvement

Dry molasses is a molasses-soaked mixture of grains. Here’s how to put dry molasses to use.

  1. 500g of molasses, measured with a scoop
  2. To enrich your growth medium at the start of the growing cycle, apply this volume to every 4–6m2 of soil.
  3. At the commencement of the flowering period, apply the same amount just below the topsoil.

Using molasses in compost tea

Compost tea with molasses harnesses the power of microbial life and essential nutrients. These solutions infuse plants with life-giving chemicals aiding plant health and disease defense. To increase the number of carbohydrates and yield-enhancing nutrients in your compost tea, add one teaspoon of unsulfured blackstrap molasses.

Using molasses as a foliar spray

Foliar sprays supply nutrients and other elements to the leaves without going through the soil. This allows nutrients to enter straight through the epidermis and small stomata of the leaves (pores). This enables producers to treat any indicators of insufficiency quickly.

Different varieties of molasses used in cannabis plants

When it comes to molasses, there are several varieties to choose from.

Light molasses

This type of molasses is less rich and has a lighter color than the other alternatives. It’s prepared by boiling beet juice or sugar cane for the first time. When used in cooking, light molasses has a sweeter and more appealing than other options since it is less dark. Light molasses is commonly used in baked foods, marinades, and sauces.

Dark molasses

Dark or “second” molasses have a darker color created by boiling sugar cane or beet juice twice. The black color comes from the higher quantity of carbs, and the is considerably stronger than light molasses.

Blackstrap molasses

This kind brings the richness and depth of molasses to a new level. It’s significantly less sweet and bitter than the others. Blackstrap molasses is thick and rich, and it’s frequently used in savory dishes like baked beans.

Sulfured molasses

Sulfur dioxide is sometimes added to molasses by producers. This serves as a preservative and extends the product’s shelf life. This technique, however, alters the molasses and renders it unfit for use in the garden.


Treacle varies from molasses; it contains less sugar and is lighter in appearance. It’s sweeter than all other forms of molasses, but it’s also slightly bitter. However, treacle is made from boiling raw juice, much like molasses. The syrup is removed from the boil sooner in the procedure by the manufacturers.

Molasses treacle

Molasses contain many essential elements; they are needed by cannabis plants to grow and develop. It also feeds beneficial bacteria and fungus in the soil, which helps to bring it back to life. As a result, cannabis plants can access even more nutrients already present in the soil. What’s the best part? Molasses is a cheap yet powerful ingredient.

Picture of Janice Bernstein

Janice Bernstein

Janice has been on the cannabis scene for many years now, though she tends to keep to herself and might fly under the radar for many, even those well-versed in cannabis growing. Her writings on different methods of watering cannabis helped bring the use of reverse osmosis water to the forefront of cannabis gardening.đť•Ź

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