Cannabis and sugar water: Why should it work at all?
If you are thinking about growing plants, especially cannabis, you should know about photosynthesis and the factors that influence this crucial process. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their food. Sugar is the storage form of this food. The most common way plants use stored sugar is by converting it to energy.
Another benefit of sugar is convenience during transportation when your plant needs to distribute nutrients. There are many types of sugars, and plants synthesize glucose. The ingredients for making glucose that your cannabis plants require include chlorophyll, water, carbon (IV) oxide, and sunlight. The main product of photosynthesis is glucose, whereas oxygen is the byproduct.
One of the main processes that occur after photosynthesis is respiration. When cannabis plants respire, they convert their stored glucose into energy. Alternatively, your plant can use stored sugar to produce other crucial things for survival. For example:
- Cellulose: This substance promotes the structural growth of cannabis plants by developing cell walls and boosts strength in plant tissues.
- Starch: This form of sugar is for long-term storage.
- Amino acids: There cannot be protein without these building blocks.
- Lipids: Together with fats and oils, these substances play a crucial role in seed growth.
There is no doubt about the role sugar plays in the internal chemistry of cannabis plants. The only concern cannabis growers have boosted the natural production of sugar in the cannabis or feeding the cannabis plant’s sugar water.
Defoliation as a form of sugar management
Managing how much sugar your cannabis plants produce is easy if you are a cannabis grower. All you need to do is make sure your cannabis plants have plenty of access to water, fresh air, and nutrients.
When your cannabis plants are healthy, you will not need to start spraying buds with sugar water because it can produce all the sugar it requires to thrive.
Although creating a good environment will encourage photosynthesis and thus the amount of glucose and sugar your plant produces, it is not the only way. Defoliation is another trick that cannabis growers implement to boost sugar production in their plants. Defoliation is a process that involves trimming and pruning cannabis branches. This process creates the perfect canopy for your cannabis plants.
The type of shape you create during pruning will influence how your plants transport and store sugar. When defoliating, you need to focus your efforts on getting rid of older leaves. When younger leaves produce sugar, it may go to older leaves. Eliminating the older leaves adjusts the natural flow of sugar from younger leaves to buds.
Use extra sugar for your cannabis growth
Another way to boost the amount of sugar in storage is by feeding cannabis plants sugar. There is a lot of controversy behind this technique. However, the concept favors efficiency. One of the explanations backing the efficacy of sugar water for cannabis plants has to do with plants transporting glucose to their root zone.

The roots then release some sugar to the medium you use to grow your cannabis plants. Consequently, all living organisms existing in the rhizosphere will multiply and thus promote the breaking down of organic nutrients for your roots to absorb into your plants.
Monosaccharides Vs. Polysaccharides
There is a lot of controversy about what kind of sugar you should introduce to your cannabis plants. Many farmers raise brown sugar during flowering. However, you should appreciate that brown sugar is sucrose, a polysaccharide.
The sugar your plants produce, glucose, is a monosaccharide. When you consider the best bud sweetener for your cannabis plants, ensure you conduct plenty of research to understand what is ideal and offer the best results for you.
This byproduct comes from cane sugar processing and contains both monosaccharides and polysaccharides. The quantities of sucrose, glucose, and fructose in molasses are 29%, 12%, and 13%.
Suppose you are considering adding sugar during the flowering of your cannabis plants. In that case, molasses are the perfect addition because they contain significant amounts of glucose, which in high doses can help feed the bacteria in your cultivation medium and help other plant processes.
Be careful not to go too crazy and add a lot of molasses in your medium. Start slow and build upon the dose until you find the perfect amount that benefits your cannabis plants.
This substance has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. For this reason, do not use concentrated honey for your cannabis plants because this will destroy the microbes in the root zone. The best way to use honey is by making sugar water for cannabis plants with it. All you need to do is mix some honey in a gallon of water. The next step is spraying buds with sugar water, which is straightforward.
Sugar water
The most common question among cannabis growers is, “does sugar increase trichomes?”. It does. However, be careful about the type and amount. There is no need to use table sugar because your plant will not benefit from such kind of sugar. What you can do instead is to add honey or molasses to water, then spray the result onto your buds. Also, a small amount of sugar goes a long way. Do not overdo the sugar solution by adding plenty of molasses or sugar because this will kill your cannabis plants.
Although introducing sugar into your cannabis cultivation can significantly improve growth, you should also focus on other essential areas. Ensure your plants have access to enough moisture and that the medium of development has the necessary nutrients that are crucial for the survival of your cannabis plants. Another important fact you should remember is that cannabis plants can produce sugar naturally. It is your job as a grower to research ways you can control the sugar production process to improve the health of your plants.